First of all!
This is NOT directed at ALL of [U].
Smells like shit in here all of a sudden, ah I see somebody let a used Novolame enema in. taunt Novolame promotes against itself by the very nature of every one of you losers, this is why NB was founded and stocked with the real NoVocaine members. But everybody knows Novolame sucks a wart riddled dick just pulled out of a whore on the rag so let us stay on topic. haha
I'll make it easy for you..........FUCK YOU!
I still am NoV........and you seem to be the "USED" and flushed enema here.
Is that propaganda the only song you know?All that intelligence wasted on such severe narcissism.You are even like that to your own crew.Watch when the first person who stands up for themselves or talks back and see what response they get!You seem to just ramble cuss words without much substance or validity.As soon as you hit some pussy for the first time ,you might see a little light from the real world.I am the same person as before!Now that you hating on NoV,i am a loser,novolame,novoshame,shit..............!How do you base this?The tag only!Well you might be the most boisterous and vulgar of the bunch,but i am sure the free thinkers here do there judging a little less obtusely.It is ok though!I am still me,and you are still you.
However, i am glad to be me!
Please don't hitler my post either you fucking NAZI!
Don't waste your time in banning me either!