Hey guys, i would like to announce that me and my friend DamageDz has finnaly got up our AAD and TDM server: HostName: Total Samp [AAD/TDM] + [Clanwars] -DuH-
Players: 0 / 200
Ping: 46
Mode: Modern Warfare v1.4
Map: Lobby
It isnt a clan server its for everyone, anyone can apply as admin on our forum: www.totalsampsa.ucoz.com
We also got an amazing host which makes everyones ping extremely small, e.g mine is between 60 - 90 and its usually 100 - 200.
We would really appirciate it if you guys would become part of our community.
We would also be pleased if you would like to hold all of you Clanwars on our server if you want.
If this Server becomes big, then becoming admin will have allot of advantages.
It is not fully ready yet, still CP needs to be changed and more commands made, but it is good at the moment, everything will be fully and properly up and ready by next monday.
Thanks guys, hope to see you soon.
Thx, DamageDz.