There are two kinds of people in this world, those who will swallow what they are told and see and read hook line and sinker and then there are those who question what they are told and see and read while wanting to know the full story with consequences and benefits. You can sort of see this in nature, there is the fish who just bites blindly and ends up wrapped in seaweed with a rice bed. Then, there is the other fish who eye warily this all to easy and too well packaged and tempting thing in their realm. One of the most common tactics to force animals back into the herd is to threaten them, just about everybody has seen this with a sheepdog in action. This very same basic tactic is also applied in our human world where instinctive social nature brings many to try and be part of a tribe currently re-coined as a "clique." While sometimes safety and life itself is directly threatened, more often than not the main target is your self-esteem and your confidence; breaking these will make you weaker and seek the implied safety of numbers. Think about or observe your high school days, you will see or remember people breaking off into groups which recruited by appearing strong and/or herding others into their alignment via human sheep-dogging. They called names, gave out labels, humiliating nicknames, insulted clothes, mocked know what I am talking about. The culminating effect was meant to either force compliance with their "clique" standards or to ostracize the person and keep their strong unique individualism away from the weaker others in the herd so they were not contaminated and influenced.
Now with this idea still vivid in your head along with your understanding of it, take a look at the world we live in today. It is the same shit! Now the tribes may have changed along with their numbers and the names they call but make no mistake, it is the same shit!! Their main insults now are the tired tin foil hat and conspiracy nut tirades which they honestly think is an answer to serious questions people ask that demand truthful and completely honest answers. When somebody dares to question something and is brave enough to look hard at it, that is what they face. Dare to question why on the day of the subway bombings in London there was a "training exercise" with the very and exactly the same agenda as the terrible tragedy that happened that day. Start to look at all the information available and be brave enough to look hard and see all the things going on in the background before and the consequences after. Dare to question why the remaining steel pillars of the World Trade Center had 45 degree clean cuts on them with puddles of molten steel that smoldered for many days as if thermite was burning out. Look hard at the pictures of the hole in the Pentagon and be brave enough to say where is the debris and why isn't there notches or signs of damage from wings? Why is Israel always portrayed as sweet and innocent when their bulldozers run over unarmed peace protesters when their snipers are not shooting them or 4 year old children just playing in the street or going to school and why don't the dehumanizing and humiliating treatments Palestinians get at checkpoints in their real country ever make a single headline on even the last page of a paper? Look hard at the language used in articles and broadcasts and question why do they want to sway your thoughts that way.
3 sides to every story: theirs, the others, and the truth.
When you see all these stories so hyped in all the major "news" outlets dare to question why such a push of that way thinking and dare to be brave enough to look hard into the obvious and not so obvious angles for answers. Do you want to be the fish that swallows a hook, line and sinker or do you want to be the fish that questions and looks at the hook finding there is something wrong it and leaves it.